Candidates you can find on Jobful

Livia Rusu3 martie 2021

If you are looking for inspiration about interior design you go on Pinterest – if you are looking for engaged candidates willing to prove and improve their skills you come on Jobful.

We are a recruitment platform that brings together technology and gamification to optimize your attraction and pre-screening processes by giving you easy access to the best fitting candidates for your opportunities. Right now we have on our platform approximately 30.000 candidates and the number is growing by week. Still, it is not something we focus on, our attention goes on how to attract candidates that are interested in exercising their skills, in learning new ones and engaging on the platform with their friends, challenging themselves constantly. These are the ones our response likelihood algorithm will bring forward as having a high probability of answering to your offer.

Work experience

Regarding work experience, our pool of candidates is balanced between 30% professionals with more than 5 years of experience, 34% with little or no experience (0-1 years) and the rest are almost equally split between 2, 3 and 4 years of experience. As you see, balance was a well chosen word.

Students and young professionals are attracted to learning new skills in our Courses and increase their chances of receiving an internship offer by completing certain educational materials such as Management Trainee Academy by Coca-Cola HBC. Senior professionals are interested in proving their skills fast and in a fun way rather than writing them on a CV. Moreover, by having constant challenges active they keep their skills sharp, even those they don’t practice everyday at work.


Domains of interest

Regarding industries and domains of interest, the top 5 industries our candidates want to find a job are Marketing and PR, Human Resources, IT Software, IT Hardware and Sales. Other domains of interest are also well represented such as Customer Support, Finance, Consulting and Supply Chain. It’s important to point out that in the last year we focused our user acquisition processes on the candidates our partners needed so that we increase our pool of candidates in a qualitative manner rather than a quantitative one.

Foreign languages

Regarding foreign languages, all candidates on the platform are comfortable with english naturally. The difference lay in French (spoken by 41%), Spanish (spoken by 20%) and German (spoken by 14%). Some of the candidates are familiar with more exotic languages such as  japanese, arabic or portugese.

We aim first of all to create an excellent candidate experience and the first step we took was to make sure the profile is more than just a CV, it’s a page where his badges are showing up indicating his behaviour on the platform, all the graduated academies are represented and soon the solved challenges will back up the skills. This way a recruiter can get more information at a glance before choosing to send an invitation and our recommender system has all the data it needs to provide weekly shortlisted candidates.

We do all we can so that Jobful is less the place to find a job and more the platform you use to build a career.

You can start experimenting with a short demo.


Livia Rusu

Digital Strategist at Jobful. Firm believer in education, powerful insights and businesses that bring solid advantages to the table. Hates buzz words. Runs on coffee, and is a high school debate coach in her spare time.

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